Volunteer as a Chaperone, Roadie or Concession Crew for Upcoming Games!
Please click the sign-up link below to see all the details on signing up for the 2020 Season! If you have any questions, please reach out to our volunteer coordinator Trisha Fennelly at secretary@riverridgebands.org
Need to Access your Charms Account?
Simply click below and log-in from here:
Week at a Glance
General weekly Reminders:
Band Payments are due in full at this time ($350 total for Marching and $150 total for Concert Bands)- you can pay online via Charms or send in check (payable to RRBB) with student via blue box - if you have any questions please email us at finance@riverridgebands.org
Penny Wars - Round up your pennies (and silver coins) - Penny Wars wraping up this Friday 10/30! Look for details throughout the week!
Volunteer Sign-Ups Needed for Last Three Home Games - Sign-up HERE
Concession Donations Needed (counts as volunteer hours!) - Sign-up HERE
Monday, October 26th
No rehearsals
7:00 pm - Band Booster Meeting via Google Meet
Tuesday, October 27th
4:00 - 7:00 PM - Marching Band Rehearsal
6:30 - 7:15 PM - Concession Stand donations drop-off and Jeep Raffle ticket turn-in in front of school (all tickets have been checked out so keep selling and turn in as soon as you can! Once we get them all turned back in we can get another batch to sell!)
Wednesday, October 28th
No rehearsals
Thursday, October 29th
3:30 PM - Concession Stand Pre-order forms due in blue box - order form HERE
4:00 - 6:00 PM - Marching Band Rehearsal
5:30 - 6:15 PM - Concession Stand donations drop-off and Jeep Raffle ticket turn-in in front of school
Friday, October 30th
Last day for Penny Wars so keep those pennies and coins coming!
7:30 pm - RRHS Football Home vs Centennial HS(Homecoming) - “Gold Out” Theme
Mr. Amend will share full game-night schedule/details in his weekly email
Band Dinner courtesy of Sidelines Woodstock Menu: Chicken wraps and pasta salad, assortment of Little Debbie desserts, Powerade or water
Please email ambrea1@gmail.com for special dietary needs or questions about the menu
Saturday, October 31st
Happy Halloween!
Band Together t-shirt orders due - order HERE
Student Concession Stand Order Form
We are once again offering the chance for students to pre-order from concessions for Friday night games!
Here is the process:
1. Fill out an order form (linked in the YELLOW button below) and be sure the student's name is on it.
2. Payment is Cash or Check (made out to RRBB)
3. Put it all in an envelope marked CONCESSIONS
4. Have your student put it in the Blue Box in the band room. It is on the wall outside Mr. Amend's office
5. Orders are due by 3:30pm on Wednesday. We cannot make exceptions this year since we have to order ahead of time.
Students can still walk up to concessions and make purchases during third quarter, they just need a card to do so as all payments are card only (no cash).
Also, please keep in mind that all proceeds from the visitor-side concessions stand go to the band -home side goes to football -so at the games please come to our stand for your purchases.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at boosters@riverridgebands.org
Click the image below to view our most recent (and past) newsletters!
Amazon Smiles Program
Did you know that by simply clicking a few buttons in your Amazon account you can help support the RRHS Band program at no extra cost to you?
Here's how to shop AmazonSmile:
1. Visit smile.amazon.com
2. Sign in with your existing Amazon.com account
3. Choose River Ridge Band Boosters as your charitable organization to receive donations
4. Whenever you place an Amazon order, simply do so through the Amazon Smiles link/url - it’s the exact same prices, selection and shopping experience as Amazon.com, with the added benefit that Amazon will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to our program.
Online Donation Portal
Thank you for considering making a tax-deductible donation to help our band program during this difficult time. An online donation portal has been created, where 100% of your donation will go to supporting the band program as a whole leading into next year and beyond. These donations are tax deductible, and you will receive a tax letter to file with your taxes.
To donate, please click the link below to go directly to our secure RRHS Band PayPal account where you will be instructed to enter your donation amount along with your information. If you have any questions, please contact us at philanthropy@riverridgebands.org