
Wind Ensemble


The wind ensemble meets every day during 6th period. The ensemble consists of mostly juniors and seniors, with a few sophomores and freshman. This ensemble performs Grade V, Grade VI, and Master Works level music literature. Mr. Amend is primary instructor of the ensemble.


Symphonic Band


The symphonic band meets every day during 5th period. The ensemble consists of mostly juniors and sophomores, with a few seniors and freshman. This ensemble performs Grade IV and Grade V level music literature. Ms. Lawhorne is primary instructor of the ensemble.


Concert Band


The concert band meets every day during 1st period for brass players and 4th period for woodwind players. The ensemble consists of a mixture of freshman and sophomores. The ensemble performs Grade III and Grade IV level music literature. Mr. Amend is the primary instructor of the ensemble.


Marching Band


The River Ridge Marching Knights consists of over 110 members of the River Ridge Band Program. All musicians from the three band classes as well as color guard make up the diverse group. The ensemble performs at all home and away games. The band regularly competes at three or four competitions a year, and always finishes extremely well.


Winter Guard


There are two winter guards at River Ridge High School. The Varsity Winter Guard rehearse at River Ridge High School and is open for all 8th-12th grade students. The group typically travels to three or four competitions a year. The Junior Varsity Winter Guard rehearses at Mill Creek Middle School and is open for all 6th-9th grade students. Ms. Brianna Twaddell is the lead guard instructor for both ensembles and is assisted by Ms. Devon Kugler and Ms. Amy Edwards.


Jazz Band


The River Ridge “Knights of Jazz” is a spring semester ensemble that meets for an hour and a half, once a week. The ensemble is open to all students at River Ridge High School. The group regularly performs at events in our community as well as at the spring concert. The group is led by Mr. Mike Rostin.


Chamber Ensembles


The River Ridge Band Program offers several different small or “chamber ensembles” at the school. These ensembles consist of 4-14 students that come together to perform pieces of smaller instrumentation. The smaller numbers allow students to take on a greater level of musical responsibility, often being the only performer playing their part.